Equine Physiotherapy
Horses are naturally athletic creatures ranging from your everyday hack to top level competition eventers and racehorses. No matter their purpose in life, they will all benefit from regular physiotherapy.
Obvious signs that your horses is not happy range from a change in their behaviour to an unwillingness to work or perform to their previous ability.
Conditions that can commonly benefit from physiotherapy include:
- Back problems (including kissing spines)
- Bone spavins
- Splints
- Fractures
- Muscle asymmetry
- Soft tissue injuries
- Tendon and ligament damage:
- Proximal suspensory desmitis
- Check ligament sprains
- Collateral ligament damage
- Lameness and gait abnormalities
- Compensatory issues
- Saddle problems
- Wound repair
- Pain management
- Sporting/performance maintenance
- Geriatric maintenance
Other signs to be aware of that your horse may require physiotherapy:
- Stiffness
- Loss of performance
- Jumping issues
- Lethargy
- Saddle sensitivity
- Lameness
- Pain response
- Behavioural changes
- Stumbling / tripping
- Unexplained muscle loss
All treatments are undertaken at your yard. If your horse is in need of physiotherapy, then please speak to your veterinary surgeon regarding a referral.
Saddle fitting assessment
As part of your physiotherapy session, a saddle fitting assessment* can be performed by prior arrangement. This assessment will take into account:
- Horses type
- Conformation
- Condition
- Current exercise regime
- Chosen discipline(s)
- Rider requirements
Please note that you may be asked to ride or lunge the horse within the assessment.
It is important to understand that horses change shape regularly due to workload, age, environment etc. and only saddles present on the day can be assessed.
*A saddle fitting assessment does not replace a saddle check, performed by a master saddler, who will undertake flocking and any additional services required. This service is to assess the saddle at the time of treatment to ensure no impingement’s are affecting your horses ability to move and exercise from a physiotherapy perspective.